For Immediate Release: October 19, 2010
Contact Information
Frederick S. Lane
Cell: 802-318-4604
Author and Privacy Expert to Speak at New York Law School on Internet Risks for the Elderly
Author and Internet privacy expert Frederick S. Lane will present a lecture entitled “CyberTraps for the Elderly: Understanding and Preventing the Internet Perils Faced by a Generation of Digital Immigrants” in the Faculty and Staff Commons of the New York Law School on November 2, 2010 at 7:45pm. A reception will be held prior to the lecture from 7:15 to 7:40.
The New York Law School is located 185 West Broadway, New York, NY. The event is free and open to members of the public.
“The World Wide Web offers tremendous benefits to the nation’s rising number of senior citizens,” Lane said. “including photos and videos from grandchildren, video conferencing with far-flung family members, endless news and entertainment, and even home-based employment options.”
But, he added, the same technology that so easily entertains also holds a variety of traps for unwary members of a vulnerable population. According to recent estimates, 27 million older Americans use the Internet every day. Given that individuals over the age of 55 are frequently targeted by scammers, the rise of new and often unfamiliar technologies has heightened the dangers for senior citizens.
“This lecture,” Lane said, “will discuss some of the cybertraps faced by the elderly — identity theft, fraud, harassment, child pornography — and offer some practical advice on how NYLS’s future elder law attorneys can best advise their clients and protect their own families.”
About the Event
The event is being organized by the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys-NYLS Chapter. Funding for the event has been provided by the following organizations:
National Acadmemy of Elder Law Attorneys-NYLS Student Chapter
Diane Abbey Center for Children and Families
Institute for Information Law and Policy
About the Speaker
Frederick Lane is an author, attorney, educational consultant, expert witness, and lecturer based in Burlington, VT. He has worked in the field of computer forensics for the past decade, assisting attorneys and their clients across the country in the investigation and defense of a wide range of cases, including embezzlement, domestic relations, obscenity, child pornography, and first degree murder. Lane has also traveled around the country lecturing on a wide variety of topics, including computer forensics, the impact of technology on society, First and Fourth Amendment issues, student privacy, and growing problem of sexting in public schools.
In addition to his computer forensics work and lecturing, Lane is the author of five books, including:
— “Obscene Profits: The Entrepreneurs of Pornography in the Cyber Age” (Routledge 2000);
— “The Naked Employee: How Technology Is Compromising Workplace Privacy” (Amacom 2003);
— “The Decency Wars: The Campaign to Cleanse American Culture” (Prometheus Books 2007);
— “The Court and the Cross: The Religious Right’s Crusade to Reshape the Supreme Court” (Beacon Press 2008); and
— “American Privacy: The 400-Year-History of Our Most Contested Right” (Beacon Press 2010).
A paperback edition of “American Privacy” is scheduled for release in January 2011. Lane’s sixth book, “CyberTraps for the Young: How a Single Click Can Ruin Your Child’s Life — and What YOU Can Do About It” will be published in the spring of 2011.
Lane has been invited to appear as guest on a variety of national media programs, including Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,” ABC’s “Nightline,” CBS’s “60 Minutes,” NBC’s “Today Show,” and numerous local and national radio programs. He has served on the Burlington School Board since October 2001 and is currently the chair of the board. He graduated from Amherst College in 1985 with a degree in classics and American studies, and from Boston College Law School in 1988. Lane has lived in Burlington since 1990, and is the father of two boys, ages 17 and 15. Additional information about his work is available on his Web site,
For additional information or to schedule a lecture for your organization, please contact:
Frederick S. Lane
Cell: 802-318-4604

Frederick S. Lane
Expert Witness
Upcoming Lectures:
October 21, 2010
“Media Law and Ethics”
St. Michael’s College, Colchester, VT
October 29, 2010
“Can You See Me Now? The Growing Problem of Sexting in the Public Schools”
Vermont School Boards Association, Fairley, VT
November 1, 2010
“CyberTraps for the Elderly”
New York Law School, New York, NY
November 16 & 17, 2010
“LimeWire Made Me Do It”
Federal Public Defenders of Nevada, Las Vegas & Reno, NV
December 1, 2010
“LimeWire Made Me Do It”
Federal Defender of California [S.D.], Los Angeles, CA
December 3, 2010
“Limewire Made Me Do It”
Office of the Defender General, Montpelier, VT
December 8, 2010
“LimeWire Made Me Do It — And Other Digital Excuses”
Alabama Federal Defenders Program [M.D.], Montgomery, AL
February 11, 2011
“Jurisprudishness: Law and Visual Culture in the United States, 1842-1973”
College Art Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY
February 17, 2011
“The History of Privacy in America”
The Warren White Lecture, Drury University, Springfield, MO
March 3, 2011
“There’s No Such Thing As Safe Sext”
Boston College, Newton, MA
April, 2011
“There’s No Such Thing As Safe Sext”
National School Boards Assoc. Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA