Sexting Lecture by Author at Boston College
I will be presenting a lecture entitled “Sexting: How One Click Can Ruin Your Child’s Life (The Social and Legal Risks of Cellphone Misuse)” at the Murray Room, Yawkey Center, Boston College, on Thursday, March 3, 2011, from 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. The event will be preceded by light refreshments and followed by a book-signing of my most recent book, American Privacy. The lecture is open to the public; there is an admission fee of $10. For additional information, please visit: Boston College Event Form.
The lecture is a preview of my upcoming book, Cybertraps for the Young, which will be published by NTI Upstream in early April.
Coming Soon: CyberTraps for the Young
Cybertraps for the Young is designed to be a resource guide for parents, teachers, and school administrators on the civil and criminal risks of online activity by teens and preteens, including cyberbullying, hacking, copyright infringement, sexting, etc. The tentative publication date is April 1, 2011. Closer to the publication date, I will send out additional information, including a link to a new parental resource Web site, a Facebook page, and other social media connections.
If you or your organization are interested in a presentation on the myriad cybertraps and steps to avoid them, please contact me through my Web site or leave me a message at 802-318-4604.
American Privacy Now in Paperback (And on Kindle)
American Privacy: The 400-Year History of Our Most Contested Right, was released in paperback on January 11, 2011. It is also available on the Kindle platform and in hardcover.
American Privacy is a historical biography of the right to privacy. The book describes the conception of American privacy in the struggles of the Pilgrims for religious freedom and its birth in the writings of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis and his law partner Samuel D. Warren. It describes in detail the impact that new technologies — the telegraph, the postcard, the phone, the computer, and most notably, the Internet — have had on the right to privacy, and challenges Congress to give Americans more tools with which to control the collection and spread of their personal information.
American Privacy can be purchased directly from Beacon Press, on, or through my Web site,
American Privacy Facebook Page
If you are interested in learning about emerging privacy and technology-related issues or learning about upcoming media events related to my book, please “like” my Facebook page for American Privacy.
American Privacy Reviews
“Frederick Lane’s carefully researched and clearly written book performs a great service by posing this important question and giving readers the context in which to consider it.” — Darryl Hamson,
“A fascinating look into the raging privacy debate … informative and educational reading …” — California Book Watch
“Fascinating …” — Jonathan Howard, Sacramento Book Review
“Highly recommended.” — Midwest Book Review

Frederick S. Lane
Expert Witness
Upcoming Lectures:
February 24, 2011
“Media Law and Ethics”
St. Michael’s College, Colchester, VT
March 3, 2011
“There’s No Such Thing As Safe Sext”
Boston College, Newton, MA
April 4, 2011
Bill of Rights 101: “History of the Right to Privacy”
ACLU-VT, Castleton State College, Castleton, VT
April, 2011
“There’s No Such Thing As Safe Sext”
National School Boards Assoc. Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA
June 16, 2011
“Computer Forensics 101”
Public Defender Conference, Glade Springs, WV